Revival Continues in California Despite Recent Restrictions, but is it Legitimate? by Shane Idleman
Recently, a few news outlets asked, “What’s going on in California?” That question prompted me to write these articles (you can view the first one here.) With the beach gatherings, along with Pastor’s Jack Hibbs’, Rob McCoy, and John MacArthur’s bold stances, we decided to launch a Saturday night service in Lancaster, California, at JetHawk Stadium on July 25th. It’s being tagged the Stadium Revival.
To get you up to speed: Although the event was primarily for our local body as a way to come together, word quickly spread and approximately a 1,000 people show up every Saturday. We are not collecting names for a database or trying to elevate our church; it’s simply a time to elevate Christ. It’s an incredible event that will run through September 2020 (God willing).
This second weekend we witnessed even more salvations, recommitments, and powerful personal testimonies leading to 3o baptisms, 29 of which were spontaneous. This move of God simply shows how hungry people are to be encouraged and uplifted . . . and even convicted. The message can be seen here and if you subscribe to us on YouTube here or Facebook you can see the full service.
For those asking, what we are doing is not connected to Bethel in any way. Although I know Sean Feucht, for example, and appreciate him leading worship in obscure places (would be to God that more would step up to the plate), God is doing something different in our area. My messages are focused on the simple message of repentance. It’s a call back to God . . . back to truth, holiness, and the fear of the Lord. As a matter of fact, if God doesn’t change my plans, next week’s message is: “There is no Fear of God in this Place.”
Conservatives think I’m too charismatic, and charismatics think I’m too conservative, but God will be my final judge. I have one desire: To see the Spirit of the living God revive dead churches and convict causal bystanders. To encourage believers and convict sinners, and to build the local church.
Sadly, some are coming against these events throughout California. This is not uncommon; every book I have read on revival always has a word spoken against it. George Whitefiled had to retreat to the open fields to preach, and John Wesley was criticized often. Revival stirs the waters . . . dead churches are convicted about their barrenness, and carnal Christians are deeply challenged. What many have experienced are valid moves of God. However, while revivals may grow from pure motives and humble beginnings, they can be quenched by bizarre behavior or by leaders who lack character, or by those who take the glory and promote themselves. God calls us to be concerned, prayerful, and surrendered to Him.